Monday, November 11, 2013


I am back from Charleston! Oh, Charleston...I feel like it should be said with an accent. Think Scarlet O'Hara style. I immediately fell in love with all the old houses with their private piazzas, the Spanish moss dripping from tree to tree, and the ocean close by. There is something about being near the ocean, it heals me in an instant. I totally needed this trip. Just walking the streets, eating amazing food, soaking in all the rich history, I wish we had had more time there. We had such a blast at my cousin, Jennifer's wedding on Seabrook Island too. She is one classy bride, I know that her and Andy are going to be so happy together. It's so weird when you get back from a long trip elsewhere. Sometimes you forget that there's anything else besides the little world you live in... I think it's healthy to step outside that as much as you can. I'd travel more in a heartbeat. But it does feel good to be home, even though Winter is starting to creep in. Jason and I did some much needed yard work, felt like ten tons of leaves needed to be raked, and readying even ourselves for the months to come. Hard to believe I was just in eighty degree weather, breathing in the warm ocean air. Even as I'm typing this, it is starting to snow outside. Sigh. 

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