Thursday, April 11, 2013

An Inner Voice

There will be an Opening Reception for “An Inner Voice,” an exhibition of mixed-media
works on paper and canvas by artist, Katie Drum, Tuesday, April 16th,
from 5:00m – 7:30pm, in Safety-Kleen Gallery One,
in The Arts Center, Building H.

“Queenie Head” depicts an extended reality portrayed as a mushrooming cloud.
Though the top of her head swells to a voluminous mass of golden-green
umbrage, she exemplifies the wisdom and experience of Mother Earth.
Adhering to the surface of the page, she supplants the
conventions and symbolism of her humanity.

Come see the exhibit and visit with students, faculty,
staff, and administration. Refreshments will
be served. The public is invited

The exhibit continues through May 18th
if you have questions, contact Ed Krantz:
(847) 214-7405 or

... My ECC show is coming up VERY soon. I hope that if you're in the area, you can come see my work, some old, some new. I must say, every time I show my work in a new space, it is always a learning lesson. I owe a huge thanks to 
curator, Ed Krantz for his support (and patience) I'm honored to get to show in the beautiful Safety-Kleen space, 
1700 Spartan Dr, Elgin, IL 60123

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